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Перевод Примеры
Одна чесоточная овца испортит всю отару // ОдИн плохой человек бросает тень на всю семьЮ, коллектИв, грУппу.

Frorn one rude Ьоу that's us'd to mock, Ten learn the wicked jest; One sickly sheep infects the flock And poisons all the rest. ( Watts)

"Did Morris say nothing to you against the lodge?" "No." "Nor against rne?" "No." "Well, that's because he daren't trust you. But in bls heart lie is not legal brother. We know that well. So we watch him and we wait for the time to admonish him. I'rn thinking that the time is drawing near. There's no room for scabby sheep in our pen. But if you keep соmраnу with а disloyal man, he might think that you were disloyal, too. See?" (Doyle)

She rebels against the Church Ьу usurping the divine authority of the Роре. She rebels against God Ьу her damnable league with Satan and his evil spirits against our army. And all these rebellions are only excuses for her great rebellion against England That is not to Ье endured. Let her perish. Let her burn. Lct her not infect the whole flock. lt is expedient that one woman d1e for the people. (В. Shaw)